Patricia Rawlings



Patricia Rawlings, QPA, QKA

Founded in December 2011 by Patricia Rawlings, QPA, QKA.  As the leader of this firm, Patricia brings more than 25 years of experience and expertise to her team.  Pension Professionals, LLC is a recognized leader in the design and administration of qualified retirement plans.  We provide retirement plan consulting and design, actuarial services and administrative services.  

Our staff consists of credentialed retirement plan experts that are qualified to help you navigate complex federal regulations and secure maximum benefits.

Pension Pros is an independent administrative firm.  We do not sell investments.  We work with each client and their Financial Advisor and or CPA to determine the qualified plan that best suits the goals of the plan sponsor.

The clients that we serve enjoy a closely held relationship where we anticipate the changing needs of the plan sponsor either due to demographics, changes in legislation or other reasons. We provide the appropriate consulting services to accommodate whatever revisions may be necessary.  Our clients enjoy a one on one relationship with their consultant.